How To Pick The Right Domain Name For Your Business

1. Include your business name or brand n your domain name
Ideally, having your domain name be the same as your company name is the most beneficial. From a brand recognition standpoint, that is usually your first choice. For example, if your company is XYZ Plumbing, you might start your search with “”. Depending on the size of your business, there may be companies elsewhere that have the same name or something similar, and that domain may be already taken. If so, then keep reading!
2. Include what you do or your industry
If your business name doesn’t include what you do or what industry you are in, then having the industry keyword in your domain name is good for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It will also tell search engines what your website is about. For example, if you offer business coaching, then “” will help visitors know what exactly it is that you do.
3. Avoid acronyms and hyphens
In order for your domain name to be memorable, it needs to be as easy to remember as possible. Unless someone is already well antiquated with your company, a newcomer may not remember an acronym or abbreviation. Hyphens are also a caveat that must be explained if you are telling someone your web address. “Oh, and by the way, it’s xyz DASH”. The prospect will never remember to include the hyphen and will probably end up at your competitor’s website.
4. Keep your domain name simple
Your domain name should be 5 syllables or less. Any longer than that and it will become tedious to type over and over again. If someone is typing your email address from your business card, for example, it will take them longer and be more challenging to type it all out. Also, remember to avoid technically challenging words or technical jargon. Prospects won’t know how to spell those words or may make mistakes when typing.